Monday, June 30, 2008
Black Rock City
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Recorded Music
Saturday, June 28, 2008
About email addresses

Sometimes you may receive a message intended for someone whose address resembles yours but has a different number or placement of dots. For example, your address might be, but the message was sent to a What's going on?
Gmail allows only one registration for any given username. Once you sign up for a particular username, any dot or capitalization variations are made permanently unavailable for new registration. If you created, no one can ever register, or Furthermore, because Gmail doesn't recognize dots as characters within usernames, adding or removing dots from a Gmail address won't change the actual destination address.
Messages sent to,, and y.o.u.r.u.s.e.r.n.a.m.e@gmail
.com are all delivered to your inbox, and only yours.If you're, no one owns, except for you. Sending mail to is the same as sending mail to, or even HOMERJSIMPSON@GMAIL.COM. If you're getting mail addressed to, most likely someone was trying to send a message to, or, and made a mistake. You might even get messages from mailing lists or website registrations because the intended recipient accidentally provided the wrong email address. In these cases, we suggest contacting the original sender or website when possible to alert them to the mistake.
For security reasons, when you log in to Gmail, you must enter any dots that were originally defined as part of your username.
Note: Google Apps recognizes dots. If you'd like to receive mail with a dot in your username, please ask your domain administrator to add the desired username as a nickname.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Nashville Teens - Tobacco Road
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Idle Pleasures
M: "The book gives tantalizing anthropological insights into society's views on those lazy habits that the author so enjoys, but the viewpoint is so antiquated and condescending toward the poor slobs who must actually go to work every day that readers will often find themselves staring aghast at the page."
A-ghast. Curious word. I should look that up someday, but just now I have a plate a cucumber sandwiches that seem to beckon me, arisen, as it were, they seem to have, from the very prettily starched tablecloth upen which they sit, cooled by the silver platter they occupy.
D: It occurs to me that M is the only one of us working a job right now...
C: Yes, and he is the only one with cucumber sandwiches.
D: Can maintaining a multi-media website, writing and publishing books, and promoting events really be considered "idle?" Isn't that a bit disingenuous? Like hunting whales, and donating the proceeds to "save the whales?"
C: Hmmm. If it's what you were going to do anyway and it turned out to make you some money, well maybe. If you are doing with the intent of turning a profit, well maybe not. There is idle, and there is bored. Even when I am idle, I need something to do.
M: Being truly idle includes not thinking about it.
Monday, June 23, 2008
A Love Song For Joyce
Friday, June 20, 2008
A) A test of your fortitude and mental strength, which will result in reward;
B) A signal that you are pursuing the wrong path and should correct course?
Currently I can only do a sort of rudimentary cost-benefit, risk-reward analysis, and that is based on probablilities and expected outcomes which are fundementally unknowable. Unsatisfactory.
Submit your answers to enter a drawing for a free loaf of pumpernickel!
----- Answer ------
My college eduated son says the one true way is Monadology.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Witch, witch!
Friday, June 13, 2008

Dateline Iowa,
The TV news is running 24/7, much video of Cedar Rapids under water.
Things I heard:
-) Sandbag basement drains and sumps to slow down water entering basement
-) Officials announced flood would at most be 3 feet above devasting flood of 1993, 22 feet. Currently 32 foot above flood stage.
-) Big main, modern fire department under 10' of water.
-) If well funded and water recedes quickly, 30 days to strip business to impermeable, dry out, back into movein condition.
-) Many homes and businesses won't be rehabbed within 30 days and will have to be destroyed.
-) Neighbors' son lived and work downtown CR, 2nd story apartment OK. Couple days ago they learned business would be flooded with a couple feet, sandbagged, then water rose quickly to 4 foot deep and breached bags.
I offered through friends, my house as a sanctuary for a family in need. But CR is 70 miles away.
I am headed to Fort Madison, where Mississippi is expected to rise dramatically higher than the flood of month ago. Glad I don't have a boat in the marina. Maybe I can snag a run-away boat escaping downstream.
Come to think of it house boats in CR are breaking away.....but would be reduced to flotsam by the time they reached FM.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Report from Iowa
Hi, from Fairfield,
Survived bypassing of tornado ( dopplered, not seen)
Sky was really spooky clouds going every which-way.
The Sky did turn pale green in the area of the tornado.
Rained hard, blew, then all was quiet.
The news pics of Cedar Rapids are sobering.
I had driven down many of those streets with the affordably priced homes.
They are now have water up over the 2nd story.
500 year flood 14 years after the 100 flood.
They expected it to go a couple feet over the 19' 1993 high-water mark.
It is now 27 feet and climbing.
Saw a TV news clip about a Jon boat rescuing a couple old guys from their brick house, while the boatmen was fighting a fast moving current. jeeze.
Was at the neighbors helping him figure out vcr-DVD dubbing. His weather radio kept coming on every 15 minutes with new warnings of everything within a 100 miles.
Monday, June 9, 2008

And:This is a couple years old but contains some good stats:
US is about 25% of world oil consumption;US imports about 60% of oil consumed;About 45% of each barrel goes to gasoline -- balance to diesel, industrial production;Some gas goes to delivery vans and taxis, thus about 40% of each barrel of oil goes to gas for commuter and leisure driving.
I found this surprising:
(for 2008) "Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in March, exporting 2.542 million barrels per day to the United States, which is an increase from last month (2.464 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Saudi Arabia with 1.542 million barrels per day." ns/company_level_imports /current/import.html
I sold CNQ a couple years ago after it had doubled. It doubled again.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Gas Gun
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Letter from CA
Friday, June 6, 2008
Moose Turd Pie
Thursday, June 5, 2008
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New data regarding an old argument: did life originate on earth?
Did life originate on earth (recent findings)?:
NASA's new composite photo of the Milky Way:

120k old bacteria found living in ice
What is the Oort cloud composed of?